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20 Prozent bessere Rente? So viel Geld mehr bringt die Reform

Die Renten in Deutschland sollen weiter steigen. Das führt für zukünftige Bezieher zu einem großen Plus, wie neue Berechnungen zeigen. Teilweise gibt es bis zu 600 Euro mehr – auch mit Durchschnittsgehalt. Andere Gruppen profitieren kaum von der neuen Regelung.

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„Der Minister hat angeboten, Transparenz und Vertrauen herzustellen“

Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck und Umweltministerin Steffi Lemke sind wegen Vorwürfen zum Atomausstieg zu Sondersitzungen von Bundestagsausschüssen zusammengekommen. Der Bundestagsabgeordnete Olaf in der Beek (FDP) erklärt, ob die im Raum stehenden Vorwürfe enthärtet werden konnten.

US-Justiz stellt Ermittlungen im Dieselskandal gegen Mercedes-Benz ein

Seit 2016 ermittelte das US-Justizministerium im Dieselskandal gegen Mercedes-Benz. Nun ist klar: Der Autobauer entgeht in den USA einer Anklage. Wegen überhöhter Abgaswerte zahlten die Stuttgarter den amerikanischen Kunden bereits 1,9 Milliarden Dollar. In Deutschland läuft der Streit weiter.

Frankreich investiert 300 Millionen Euro in Atomkraft-Forschung

Die EU-Kommission erlaubt Frankreich, mit staatlichen Geldern die Erforschung und Entwicklung kleiner modularer Kernreaktoren zu unterstützen. Die Höhe sei mit 300 Millionen Euro angemessen. Auch gebe es Vorkehrungen, um den Wettbewerb nicht übermäßig zu verfälschen.

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BBC Verify examines reported strikes on Russian oil depots

The reported strikes have been geolocated to the Smolensk region of western Russia.

Slothana Presale Hits $15M and Enters Final Stage Amid Growing Industry Interest

London, United Kingdom, April 26th, 2024, Chainwire The Slothana (SLOTH) presale has raised over $15 million in funding and is entering its final stage, with two days remaining before the token lists on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Slothana was able to hit this milestone after initially raising $2.5 Million is 72 hours, followed by a cumulative […]

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Traders look beyond Cardano (ADA) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), outclassed by the RECQ presale

TLDR Some traders have been opting for the Rebel Satoshi Arcade presale ahead of Cardano and Shiba Inu. As a new altcoin, it boasts significant upside potential as well as a low entry point. Some analysts suggest a timely 50x jump after its launch—which would make it a must-have coin. The latest market bounce is […]

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Bitget Introduces Trade to Mine Promotion, Giving Away All Fees to Traders

Victoria, Seychelles, April 27th, 2024, Chainwire Bitget, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has announced to upgrade its Zero-Fee Campaign to Trade to Mine Promotion. This new initiative incentivizes users with Bitget Token (BGB) for trading BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT in the spot market. Daily transaction fees generated by these two pairs will be […]

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China’s former CBDC chief is under government investigation

China investigating Yao Qian, the former head of the Digital Yuan project. Local media reports say Yao is under probe for “violations of discipline and law.” Yao Qian, a leading Chinese blockchain expert who previously spearheaded China’s Digital Yuan program, is reportedly under government investigation. The Digital Yuan is a central bank digital currency (CBDC) […]

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UK authorises police to seize illicit crypto without arrests

UK police now have powers to seize, freeze or destroy criminal crypto holdings. It follows new legislation that comes into effect today, April 26, 2024. Reforms to help UK’s national security, said Home Secretary James Cleverly. Law enforcement officials in the United Kingdom can now seize, freeze or destroy crypto assets deemed to be illicit […]

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Slothana Presale Hits $15M and Enters Final Stage Amid Growing Industry Interest

London, United Kingdom, April 26th, 2024, Chainwire The Slothana (SLOTH) presale has raised over $15 million in funding and is entering its final stage, with two days remaining before the token lists on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Slothana was able to hit this milestone after initially raising $2.5 Million is 72 hours, followed by a cumulative […]

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Traders look beyond Cardano (ADA) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), outclassed by the RECQ presale

TLDR Some traders have been opting for the Rebel Satoshi Arcade presale ahead of Cardano and Shiba Inu. As a new altcoin, it boasts significant upside potential as well as a low entry point. Some analysts suggest a timely 50x jump after its launch—which would make it a must-have coin. The latest market bounce is […]

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Pantera Capital buys more Solana (SOL) from FTX

Pantera Capital has purchased more Solana (SOL) from the FTX bankruptcy estate. FTX is auctioning off SOL, with more tokens to be sold to winning bidders. Pantera Capital has acquired another stockpile of Solana (SOL) tokens at discounted prices from the FTX bankruptcy estate, Bloomberg reported. The $5.2 billion crypto venture capital firm, secured the […]

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Die 11 Immer-Gewinner-Aktien des Compounder-Königs

In dieser Samstagsfolge von „Alles auf Aktien“ reden wir mit dem Compounder-König. Compounder, das sind die Immer-Gewinner-Aktien. Firmen, die langfristig zweistellige Jahresrenditen schaffen. Ein Gespräch mit Wolfgang Fickus.

Frankreich investiert 300 Millionen Euro in Atomkraft-Forschung

Die EU-Kommission erlaubt Frankreich, mit staatlichen Geldern die Erforschung und Entwicklung kleiner modularer Kernreaktoren zu unterstützen. Die Höhe sei mit 300 Millionen Euro angemessen. Auch gebe es Vorkehrungen, um den Wettbewerb nicht übermäßig zu verfälschen.

Bayers verzweifelte Suche nach dem rettenden Blockbuster

Bayer steckt tief in der Krise. Die Klagen in den USA und auslaufende Patente belasten den Konzern schwer. Ein neues Medikament weckt nun Hoffnung auf Milliardenumsätze. Doch ausgerechnet das steht vor besonderen Problemen. Ein Besuch auf dem hochmodernen Campus in Wuppertal.

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'Most haunted pub' enjoys boon in visitors

Paranormal enthusiasts join a BBC One Show crew at the 800-year-old inn which only opens at night.

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Stéphanie Mulot, sociologue : "La décision du couvre-feu ne vient pas de Pointe-à-Pitre"

Pour endiguer la délinquance juvénile en Guadeloupe, le gouvernement a décrété le 22 avril et pour un mois renouvelable la mise en place d'un couvre-feu pour les mineurs dans les villes de Pointe-à-Pitre et des Abymes. Pour Stéphanie Mulot, professeure de sociologie à l’Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès et spécialiste des Antilles, cette mesure d'exception est avant tout une manière pour le gouvernement de drainer les voix de l'extrême droite en prouvant que l'État est capable de rétablir l'ordre sur l'ensemble du territoire, y compris dans les Outre-mer. 

Ayodélé Ikuesan vise un retour triomphal pour les JO 2024

Son pari fou : participer aux Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 à 38 ans, après avoir accouché de 2 enfants. Athlète française, vice-championne d'Europe du relais 4x100m, finaliste européenne au 100m. Elle a participé au jeux de Pékin en 2008, et aux jeux de Londres en 2012. Ayodélé Ikuesan est l'invitée de Marion Gaudin sur France 24.

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UK authorises police to seize illicit crypto without arrests

UK police now have powers to seize, freeze or destroy criminal crypto holdings. It follows new legislation that comes into effect today, April 26, 2024. Reforms to help UK’s national security, said Home Secretary James Cleverly. Law enforcement officials in the United Kingdom can now seize, freeze or destroy crypto assets deemed to be illicit […]

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Bitget Introduces Trade to Mine Promotion, Giving Away All Fees to Traders

Victoria, Seychelles, April 27th, 2024, Chainwire Bitget, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has announced to upgrade its Zero-Fee Campaign to Trade to Mine Promotion. This new initiative incentivizes users with Bitget Token (BGB) for trading BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT in the spot market. Daily transaction fees generated by these two pairs will be […]

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Slothana Presale Hits $15M and Enters Final Stage Amid Growing Industry Interest

London, United Kingdom, April 26th, 2024, Chainwire The Slothana (SLOTH) presale has raised over $15 million in funding and is entering its final stage, with two days remaining before the token lists on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Slothana was able to hit this milestone after initially raising $2.5 Million is 72 hours, followed by a cumulative […]

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LaLaLa ;)
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