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JPMorgan CEO calls Bitcoin a ‘Ponzi Scheme’ despite JPMorgan’s involvement in Bitcoin ETFs

Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan CEO, called Bitcoin a “Ponzi scheme.” Dimon’s criticism comes despite JPMorgan’s involvement in Bitcoin ETFs. Bitcoin’s recent price volatility highlights ongoing debates in the cryptocurrency market. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has once again voiced his scepticism towards Bitcoin (BTC), dubbing it a ‘Ponzi scheme’ during an interview on Bloomberg TV. During […]

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Blockchain Expo North America 2024 set to showcase latest developments in crypto innovation

Blockchain developers, influencers, leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, and business owners from around the world are gearing up for this year’s Blockchain Expo North America 2024, one of North America’s premier blockchain and cryptocurrency events, which will take place on 5th and 6th June 2024 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, in California. The event will generate opportunities […]

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Milei Moneda presale challenges existing meme coins FLOKI and BONK: Which one has room for higher price?

TLDR Milei Moneda ($MEDA) investors are forecast to gain 60% ROI at launch. FLOKI dips as the threat of war looms. BONK remains resilient despite sell pressure. Milei Moneda’s ($MEDA) presale is attracting a growing number of investors thanks to its potential profit margins. Binance extends support for Floki (FLOKI) as the cryptocurrency gains popularity. […]

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50,000 Russian soldiers confirmed dead by BBC

In the second 12 months on the front line the body count was nearly 25% higher than in the first year.

Celestia price declines as OKB and Rebel Satoshi Arcade soar

TLDR: Celestia’s price has dropped 12.7% in the past week. OKB’s price has increased 4.9% on the 14-day price chart. OKX’s launch of the X Layer network might be responsible for the recent gains.  Rebel Satoshi Arcade is on the rise, with its crypto ICO selling over 355 million tokens in stage 1. The crypto […]

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TRON investors considering TON and Bitbot amid SEC lawsuit against Justin Sun

SEC lawsuit against Justin Sun casts doubt on TRON’s future. TON Network’s integration of USDT boosts Toncoin price by 12%. Bitbot’s AI-powered trading platform and $BITBOT token offer innovative solutions. As the cryptocurrency market navigates through turbulent waters, TRON investors are exploring alternative options amidst a legal battle involving Justin Sun, the founder of TRON […]

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Milei Moneda presale challenges existing meme coins FLOKI and BONK: Which one has room for higher price?

TLDR Milei Moneda ($MEDA) investors are forecast to gain 60% ROI at launch. FLOKI dips as the threat of war looms. BONK remains resilient despite sell pressure. Milei Moneda’s ($MEDA) presale is attracting a growing number of investors thanks to its potential profit margins. Binance extends support for Floki (FLOKI) as the cryptocurrency gains popularity. […]

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Hedgey Protocol loses $44.7M in dual cyber attacks

Hedgey Protocol suffers $44.7M loss in dual cyber attacks. The protocol was targeted on both Arbitrum and Ethereum chains. Hedgey advises users to cancel active claims, revoking approvals amid the ongoing investigation. Hedgey Protocol, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, finds itself in the throes of a cyber siege after suffering a devastating attack that resulted […]

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Plötzliche Stromlücke – der Sahara-Staub offenbart die große Schwäche der Energiewende

Sand und Staub aus der Sahara haben die deutschen Netzbetreiber an Ostern kalt erwischt. In Baden-Württemberg fehlte teilweise mehr als die Hälfte des erwarteten Solarstroms. Um die überraschende Lücke zu füllen, mussten Reservekraftwerke aktiviert werden – zu hohen Kosten.

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Und dann fällt dem Microsoft-Mitarbeiter eine halbe Sekunde Verzögerung auf

Eine Hackergruppe schafft es durch Druck auf einen Programmierer, eine zentrale Linux-Software zu kompromittieren. Doch kurz bevor der Angriff auf den „Generalschlüssel zum Internet“ gewaltigen Schaden anrichtet, wird ein einzelner Mitarbeiter zum Helden – durch eine unglaubliche Beobachtung.

Arbeitslosigkeit wird laut Prognose bundesweit steigen

Die Schwäche der Konjunktur in Deutschland wirkt sich auch auf die Arbeitsplätze aus: Eine Studie geht von einem stärkeren Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit in Baden-Württemberg, Hamburg und Bayern aus. Die Arbeitslosenquote bleibt aber in Bremen und Berlin am höchsten.

So viel verdienen die Deutschen

Ein gutes Gehalt bleibt das wichtigste Kriterium für Zufriedenheit im Job. Mit der richtigen Kombination aus Branche, Beruf, Führungsverantwortung und mehr kann man einiges dafür tun. Wo verdient man besonders viel, was bleibt netto übrig? WELT zeigt alle Daten.

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LaLaLa ;)
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